Discovering the Underlying Cause of Cellulite An overwhelming 90% of women, of all ages, endure the discomfort of wearing long sleeves during the summer, insecurity of wearing a two piece bikini, and grief over the reflection they see in the fitting room mirror due to the cottage cheese-looking skin, properly known as cellulite, on their thighs, abdomen, or chest. In medical literature, this post-puberty, undesirable condition is often referred to as adiposis edematosa or gynoid lipodystrophy. Essentially, these irregular lumps and dimples are an accumulation of fat deposits, preserved water, and toxins deep under that create bulges that emerge on the surface of our skin. It can build up due to a multitude of reasons, such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal changes, and more.
Although cellulite affects both men and women, it is much more visible on the female body due to the genetic nature of how the skin is structured. Men and women both have the same skin anatomy, consisting of the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis, which consists of the connective tissues and fat, all anchored down to the muscles by fibrous septae. The swollen subcutaneous fats compel pressure against the rigid connective tissues, pushing the layers of skin upward. The cellulite impressions are created from fibrous septae restricting the connective tissues from being able to expand, creating the bumpy effect. However, what distinguishes the male and female skin apart is how the connective tissues are arranged. In women, the connective tissues are aligned in a vertical manner; while in men, they are positioned in a network of diagonal lines that help compress the appearance of the fat lobules. Additionally, the dermis layer of men’s skin is naturally often thicker and contains less fat than women, which are advantageous to further prevent the emergence of cellulite.
Cellulite is essentially a problem of excessive adipose tissues along with an inefficient network of connective tissues, which in turn reduces vascular flow, strains the attachment of fibrous septae, and increases the amount of body fluid and toxins trapped under the skin. In a normal instance, blood flows to supply nutrients and oxygen to the fat lobules, which helps to flush out waste. However, with a dysfunctional system of connective tissues, the cycle is altered and the expanded adipose tissues are able to protrude through the dermis. Therefore, affected areas show up as dark regions in ultrasound projections, indicating that the corresponding regions are high in body fluid. Because most methods that attempt to remove cellulite is only able to target one aspect, the root causes are not directly tackled, and failure ensues. Also, the appearance of cellulite may be amplified due to thin and flaccid skin, making the appearance of cellulite more obvious. Liposuction and exercise are common methods, but only removes and reduces fat, respectively, failing to address the underlying cause of cellulite. Massage and spa treatments remove fluids and reduce the appearance of the dimples temporarily. Cellulite is a complex issue that requires a holistic treatment.
N’Vive has created a topical Body Structure Cream that targets the root causes of cellulite in order to ameliorate the condition. The cream can be massaged thoroughly on affected areas to improve lymphatic drainage to restore venous circulation. Constant and gentle massaging will help loosen the tight attachment of the fibrous septae, reducing the tension of which the fat lobules are anchored down, thus appearance of cellulite. The Eucalyptus caffeine extract enhances blood circulation by triggering the blood vessels to dilate; this also speeds up internal thermogenesis, promoting heat production that works to alleviate venous insufficiency. Due to its diuretic nature, the caffeine helps to push retentive water, toxins, and fatty deposits out of the body. The lemon oil works to further detoxify the body of toxins and petrochemicals by activating the immune system. Through the vitamin C, the cream is able to tighten up skin pores, s trengthen capillaries, and repair disoriented cell walls, creating a smoother and more toned body appearance.
The peppermint terpenoid and salicylate work to penetrate the skin and increase collagen production, thickening the volume of the dermis layer, which inhibits the visibility of the fat lobules breaking through to the surface of the skin. The antioxidant B3 niacin complex produces softer skin by promoting retention of moisture in the epidermis, reducing the appearance of fine dimples formed by cellulite. To keep the effect even after application, the peppermint terpenes allow binding of the pores to prolong the blood circulation and vibrations created under the surface of the skin, promoting skin elasticity. With N’Vive Body Sculpture Cream, natural bodily processes are restored and enhanced using natural ingredients.