N'vive Natural Cream
Heals Cracked skin & Calms Itching Redness.
  • Contains no steroid, is cortisone free, and it safe for daily uses.
  • Absorbs into the skin quickly, leaves no greasy feeling behind.
  • Eucalyptus Oil, Menthol Cristal are anti-fungal, and can help fight bacterial activity.
  • Peppermint Oil helps with minor pain and serves as astringent.
  • Can be used daily to keep skin velvety soft, and healthy.


Natural Therapeutic Cream for Psoriasis Treatment - Heals Cracked Skin - Calms Itching Redness of eucalyptus oil, terpenoids and an essential oil mixture . The most important is to keep skin hydrate with the perfect structure from its binder composite. Second, choose your product based on fact not miracle claims. Many natural psoriasis treatments claim to cure psoriasis, however there is not a known cure for this abnormal skin condition in the medical community. Look for natural products that promise to treat the symptoms, relieve the severity of the symptoms, or work to keep the outbreaks at bay.

Heals Itchy Redness and Cracking Dry Skin
Although many prescription medications are available for the treatment of psoriasis (overly dry cracked skin) many sufferers choose to go with Nvive cream natural cream. This choice is usually based on the fact that a wide range of side effects also accompany many chemicals such as steroid and cortisol. If you are looking to avoid the onset of unwanted side effects and like the idea of approaching your treatment from a natural standpoint.
Homeopathic or natural remedies for many illnesses are becoming very mainstream and popular. The same is true for the natural treatment of psoriasis. Nvive cream can be very effective at controlling the symptoms of psoriasis and reducing the frequency of the outbreaks.
Nvive Cream Natural topical treatments for psoriasis (overly dry cracked skin) ingredients are application of eucalyptus oil, terpenoids and an essential oil mixture . The most important thing to do is to keep skin hydrated with the perfect structure from its binder composite.
Choose this product based on accounts that it is effective and not on miracle claims. Many natural psoriasis treatments claim to cure psoriasis, however there is not a known cure for this abnormal skin condition in the medical community. Look for natural products that promise to treat the symptoms, relieve the severity of the symptoms, or work to keep the outbreaks at bay.


To be safe it is best to discuss any natural treatments with your doctor or dermatologist before beginning treatment. Be sure to inform the doctor of any other medications you are taking and of any other treatments (even if they are for another condition) that you are using.
During the first few weeks of treatment it is also a good idea to keep a psoriasis journal. Take a moment each day to write down the type of symptoms you are experiencing, the severity of your condition, and any other physical signs that you may notice. This journal will help you determine if the natural treatment is working and also help you identify allergic reactions or other side effects before they become too serious.
Natural Nvive Cream for the treatment of psoriasis can be very effective and can help the patient better cope with having the disease. However, the products are only effective if used wisely and with the proper knowledge.

Before and After

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High concentration of moisturizers, often used in MANICURE AND PEDICURE services. It can be used as an everyday cream but also in acute cases is very effective

N'ViVe Natural Cream is used in severe cracked skin and overly drying (PSORIASIS) skin which could lead to secondary infection. It calms redness and reduces itching.


Aqua Liquid Paraffum, Natural Menthol Crystal USP, Eucalyptus oil, Peppermint oil, Mineral oil, Mints extracted and Cream formation bypass inactive ingredients.

How to Use

Apply to clean dry skin. Target areas where skin is overly dry or to cracked heels, elbow, knees and/or body. Apply as often as necessary. For the beset results, use after bath/shower. Gently spread throughout entire problem area and wait for cream to absorb into skin.


1. Where can I use the Natural Cream?
Natural Cream can be used on your body where dry skin is present. It can be applied to the entire body, including the neck, chest, back, arms, and legs. It is often used for dry elbows and harsh calluses on the heels of the feet. It can also be used on the palm of the hands for those that work with rough tools or gym appliances.

2. Can I use this on my children?
Our customers have used it on their children, under parental provision. If there is a history of eczema and psoriasis in the family, this cream can help prevent outbreaks and reduce symptoms. However, please consult with a professional or doctor before using.

3. Should I use this Natural Cream in lieu of my prescribed medicine for my eczema (or psoriasis)?
No. N’Vive Natural Cream is not a pharmaceutical product, but it can be used supplementary to prescribed treatments. Steroid is one of the main active ingredients for medicine specific to these conditions, but using N’Vive Natural Cream can ease some side effects of steroids, such as swelling and irritation.

4. Can this be used on open wounds?
No. Please do not use Natural Cream on open cuts. Only use it on dry and closed wounds.

5. Can this be used for sensitive areas?
Because this Natural Cream doesn’t contain harmful ingredients, it is generally safe for all parts of the body. If using it for your child, it is recommended that parents use the cream at the respective area first so that there aren’t any side effects that may arise due to your genetics.

6. How does it smell?
The smell can be sometimes unpleasant for some users. This is a consequence of adding eucalyptus oil, which is an essential ingredient to ensure optimal effectiveness of the Natural Cream. However, once the cream absorbs into the skin, the smell will diminish after 5-10 minutes.

7. Is it safe to use on my face?
It is recommended that you use N’Vive Serum. N’Vive Serum was created specifically for the sensitivity of the face and also helps retain moisture to reduce dryness and itching.

8. How long do I have to use this for to get results?
Everyone’s skin varies in absorption and reactivity to the Natural Cream.  Some customers saw results within a few days, and others a couple of weeks. However, once you see results, it is suggested you continue to use the Natural Cream to prevent further dryness and itchiness.

9. I am a loyal customer for Natural Cream, is there a special promotion for me?
We love to reward our loyal customers and show you our appreciation for your business. You have the opportunity to receive a free gift* upon filling out the following form. Please email and attach the form to nvive99@yahoo.com.

* Free gift is upon verification and approval of your status.


My story about N'vive Cream
My Husband had the chronic skin problem acanthokeratoderma (also known as “scaly snake skin”). He had tried many other acclaimed products and even sought medical advice from doctors. However, the symptoms persisted.  My passion in creating Nvive cream was to help him to overcome worries about his public appearance.  After 3 months, his symptoms diminished after using NVive cream.  The problem has not come back and he now has much confidence in wearing shorts and T-shirts in public. 

Friends and family members recognized the superior nature of Nvive cream and encouraged me to use it to benefit others.  I began to supply to professional salons and beauty suppliers. After 3 years, I have received much positive feedback from technicians and consumers of Nvive cream.  They said “Nvive cream is not just good, but it is Incredible.” I am very happy that I had achieved this recognition from friends and clients, but I am most satisfied by my husband’s confidence after having used Nvive Cream.

I proudly named this product Nvive Cream, N=new, vive= life.  The same day that I chose the name for this product also marked the day my husband’s symptoms had cleared.  Secondly, all Ingredients of Nvive Cream are made from naturals elements such as eucalyptus terpenes (authentic eucalyptus oil) and Lemon oil + scorbic Acids(vitamin C) + Salysilate Acid to give the healing power.  The formula is a triple concentration of moisturizer and binding agents to lock the moisture in to protect the skin.  One of the benefits of using Nvive Cream is that it makes the surface of the skin velvety smooth. Also that it seals cracked skin and prevents dirt and residue build up.  This Product contains No Steroid and No Cortisol , that we could use daily same as Cream lotion 


I always thought my problem is incurable, until I used N’vive Cream. To my surprise, the symptoms disappeared quickly by the third day. Now, I used on a daily basis, and the symptoms never come back.  It helps me feel comfortable during the day, and sleep better at night... - Chringlaeo Arthittaya
Hello Kathy. I love Nvive product my legs and feet feel amazing, almost as if i have new skin. this product has made my legs and feet look younger and more attractive. Thank you so much for recommending Nvive  from now on this is what I will use.
Thanks again Mimi.
I'm not sure why this product is not more widely known. I've experimented with a menu of skin products over the coarse of 40+ years and have never found a skin product to be more effective. I've suffered with cracked cuticles all my life till now. I'm cured! Amazing product and coarse will continue to buy forever. - Jonathan Dawson
I used to be so embarrassed with my cracked heels. I’m Buddhist, so I would have to take off my shoes whenever I went into the temple to pray. I could wear socks, but I wear high heels due to work. I would try to hide my heels so no one see. Now that I am using N’Vive cream, my cracked heels are healed and I am no longer embarrassed of them. I am more confident with my feet than ever! - Bich Tran, Santa Ana, California
I can’t live without N’Vive Cream. My brother, sisters, and I grew up with itchy skin. We would sit and scratch each other because we were so itchy. Whenever I go with my dad to buy the N’Vive bottles, I ask him to buy a lot because I need it. I need a lot of it! - Jonathan Nguyen, 13, California
It help a lot my arm skin. It reduces a lot of itches too. - hai lan nguyen
Great product. Have recommended to friends. Wish I had known about it sooner. Just ordered the serum. Hope it works as well as the natural cream. - Jodee Anderson
My feet are so much smoother thanks to N’Vive cream. I am also using the N’Vive serum and it has been helping to fade the dark spots on my skin. I will continue to use the products - Elizabeth Mansey, New York
I had cracks/itches on my left hand palm for a couple of years. It bothered me every morning and throughout the day. Last year, I tried the N’Vive cream, and after 2-3 months of applying the cream, the itching is gone forever! It is so effective and such a relief. Now I have an N’Vive cream tube everywhere I can reach…in the bathroom, computer table, at work. Thank you very much! - Henry Nguyen, Santa Ana, California
Dear Jackie, 我觉得很有必要把我此刻的感受写出来,我真心感谢N’VIVE,感谢您给我寄来了N’vive 的Natural Healing Cream,说实话,真的不知道效果会如此好。我妈妈也非常感谢N’vive 的Natural Healing Cream,因为4年以来我妈一直过着脚痒痛不堪的日子。 四年前,我妈妈的脚周跟开始起一些红色的点点,一粒粒的样子,有一些痒痒的感觉,于是就去看医生,基本看过的医生都会说我妈妈身子虚弱,缺钙之类的话,并且开一些药膏来擦,可是都没有完全好,还是有痒,后来变得更加严重了,不但痒,还痛,然后还开始脱皮,就好像皮肤严重缺水一样,脚趾和脚趾周围都严重脱皮到可以看到红色的肉,看上去极其恐怖,后来我想起来N’vive 的Natural Healing Cream有这个功效,我想不妨试试,于是立马通过快递寄回家给我妈妈,我妈妈用了几天,脚趾的皮看上去没那么干,脱皮得到了控制,我妈妈坚持每天睡觉前擦一次,直到现在,也就是两个多月的时间,我妈妈的脚完全好了~~真的好神奇,我真的好开心,因为把一直困扰我妈妈的疼痛解决了,终于可以看到妈妈舒展的眉头。 于是我也开始用N’vive Natural Healing Cream来擦我自己的手指和脚,因为一直以来我搞不清楚的是我的手指周边和脚趾周边和脚后跟为什么很干,好像一年四季都会这样,还会脱皮(当然,不会像我妈妈的脚那么严重),所以夏天的时候很郁闷,因为别人的脚好像好漂亮,而我的脚好像严重缺水,很干很干,干的白白的好难看,于是我睡觉前就开始擦N’vive Natural Healing Cream,其实我个人不怎么喜欢擦乳液的,因为粘粘的,但是N’vive Natural Healing Cream不会那样子,很快就会被皮肤吸收了,然后味道又很好闻。我没有每天擦,大概两天擦一次,现在我的手指周边不会干的起白皮,脚趾周围也没有脱皮了。 现在,我妈妈都开始把N’vive Natural Healing Cream介绍给家里的一些同龄及老人们,因为乡下的老人手脚比较粗糙,有些也是裂的比较严重,我很希望越来越多的人可以用到N’vive Natural Healing Cream,因为效果真的好好,真心希望越少的人可以免于那样的困扰。 祝一切安好! - 张水莲 张水莲


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